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Author Robert Sitler’s immersion in Mayan culture began with a
transformative spiritual experience more than three decades ago in
the ruins of Palenque, Mexico. Led by a local to a nearby Mayan
village, Sitler discovered firsthand what traditional Mayan life
was like—a community of people living in peace with each other and
their physical surroundings. In The Living Maya, he shares this
experience and many that followed. In the process, he immerses
readers in a rich indigenous culture and offers a fresh view of the
2012 phenomenon, focusing on the valuable lessons Mayan culture can
teach us in this time of transition. Personal anecdotes are
interwoven with factual information about the roots of traditional
Mayan customs and traditions, presenting a rare multifaceted view
of their simple yet profound way of life. The book showcases Mayan
infant care, community building, ties to nature, attitudes toward
the elderly, and orientation to spirituality. In The Living Maya,
Sitler shows how following “the Mayan way” can help us ground our
lives in harmony with nature, broaden our perspectives on human
existence, connect us with our capacity for compassion, and use the
vaunted cataclysm of 2012 as a unique chance for growth.
Robert Sitler, PhD, serves as director of Stetson University’s
Latin American Studies program in Deland, Florida, where he also
teaches courses in Spanish, Mayan culture, and Latin American
humanities. A frequent speaker at new age conferences on 2012 and
the author of numerous articles on the Maya and 2012, he lives in
“Thoughtful with plenty to add to the debate, The Living
Maya is a top pick for additions to metaphysics
—Midwest Book Review
"In The Living Maya, Sitler shows how following “the Mayan
way” can help us ground our lives in harmony with nature, broaden
our perspectives on human existence, connect us with our capacity
for compassion, and use the vaunted cataclysm of 2012 as a unique
chance for growth."
—Spirit Village Review
“With the publication of Robert Sitler's book, The Living
Maya, the 2012 phenomenon finally has a piece of literature
that authentically reflects the Maya and their
millenarian effort to align themselves to an ever changing
cosmos. Sitler grounds the 2012 phenomenon in the realities of the
Mayan world in a sobering yet passionate interpretation of
what the monumental meaning of the 2012 might mean for
humanity and for the Maya themselves.”
—Vincent Stanzione, ethnographer and author of Rituals
of Sacrifice: Walking the Face of the Earth on the Sacred Path
of the Sun, The Sacred Count of Days, and Mayan Gods
and Goddesses
“This lucid book by a long-time scholar of the Mayan people
provides the reader with a rich cultural context against which
to weigh the deeper significance of the 2012 phenomenon.
Robert Sitler’s approach is balanced, informed, heartfelt, and
profoundly respectful of the wisdom of Mayan
—Phillip Lucas, PhD, founding editor of Nova Religio: The
Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions; professor of
religious studies, Stetson University, DeLand, Florida; and author
New Religious Movements in the Twenty-First Century: Legal,
Political, and Social Challenges in Global Perspective
“Robert Sitler faithfully promotes the values of our millennial
Mayan culture and the other indigenous original cultures of Abya
Yala (the Americas). He has visited my home in Momostenango,
Guatemala. He has a great spirit and sincere love and respect for
Mayan culture.”
—Rigoberto Itzep Chachavac, Ajq’ij K’iche’ (K’iche’
spiritual guide), founder of the Misión Maya Waqxaqib’ B’atz,
Momostenango, Totonicapán, Guatemala, and author of Ri Ajq’ij
Rech Tinamit Xo’lmumus
“Robert Sitler, anguished by our destruction of the environment and
civil life, opens The Living Maya with an analysis of the
prophecies and predictions around 2012. The very people, who had
the astronomical genius to base a calendar on the coming alignment
in the rift of the Milky Way, transmit through their way of life,
the seeds for our desperately needed personal and cultural
transformation. Sitler documents the values and relationships that
sustain the Maya and that can sustain us. We walk the ‘road’ with
him so we also might live in vital relationship with the earth, be
in true and vibrant community with each other, birth and raise
skillful and wise children, and be guided again by the great hearts
of the spirits.”
—Deena Metzger, author of Writing for Your Life; Ruin and
Beauty: New and Selected Poems; Tree: Essays and Pieces; and
Entering the Ghost River: Meditations on the Theory and Practice
of Healing
“The Living Maya is a remarkable exploration of the
significance of 2012 that is both introspective and open-minded, by
a scholar who has, unlike most authors on the subject, spent
considerable time among the modern Maya.… The book describes the
profoundly practical worldview of the Maya, which has enabled them
to survive war and catastrophe and may contain the wisdom we need
to survive as a species.”
—Matthew Looper, PhD, professor of art, California State
University, Chico
“This extraordinary narrative, told by a scholar with many years of
experience among the Mayan people, is a path of heart into their
worlds, both ancient and modern. At a time when the global New Age
and academic communities are stalemated in disagreement over what
significance lies in the upcoming December 21, 2012 date, this book
steps gently and boldly into that radical middle ground and informs
us of the living Mayas’ message to us. Anyone who acknowledges that
our crumbling family cohesiveness and fast-paced urban lifestyles
are toxic and alienating should pay attention to this message. It
doesn't come from other planets or galaxies, or from some other
dimension, nor even from some esoteric mysteries that the ancient
priests possessed. It arises from the Maya who have had—in spite of
conquest and oppression—many generations of connectedness to their
land and their sacred shrines. It arises from their ritual
observances, their daily rounds which honor the ancestors, the
newborn babies and the family, the rains and winds, and the
newly-planted seeds. It is another universe of human potential, but
one which, if we pay attention, helps us to listen to our own
—Barbara MacLeod, PhD, independent scholar and author of An
Epigrapher's Annotated Index to Cholan and Yucatecan Verb
Author Robert Sitler’s immersion in Mayan culture began with a transformative spiritual experience more than three decades ago in the ruins of Palenque, Mexico. Led by a local to a nearby Mayan village, Sitler discovered firsthand what traditional Mayan life was like—a community of people living in peace with each other and their physical surroundings. In The Living Maya, he shares this experience and many that followed. In the process, he immerses readers in a rich indigenous culture and offers a fresh view of the 2012 phenomenon, focusing on the valuable lessons Mayan culture can teach us in this time of transition. Personal anecdotes are interwoven with factual information about the roots of traditional Mayan customs and traditions, presenting a rare multifaceted view of their simple yet profound way of life. The book showcases Mayan infant care, community building, ties to nature, attitudes toward the elderly, and orientation to spirituality. In The Living Maya, Sitler shows how following “the Mayan way” can help us ground our lives in harmony with nature, broaden our perspectives on human existence, connect us with our capacity for compassion, and use the vaunted cataclysm of 2012 as a unique chance for growth.
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- 四星好评(281+)
- 图文清晰(307+)
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