完整的数字设计=Complete Digital Design(影印版)——国外大学优秀教材微电子类系列 mobi 百度云 txt pdb 下载 lrf pdf 地址

完整的数字设计=Complete Digital Design(影印版)——国外大学优秀教材微电子类系列电子书下载地址
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现代高性能通信和嵌入式系统的蓬勃发展对于电子工程师和大学生的数字电路硬件设计技术提出了新的挑战和要求。为了使所设计的数字系统能成功地工作,设计人员不仅需要具备系统原理方面的基础知识,而且也需要在具体实现数字设计的专门知识方面有一个全面的理解和指导。本书作者Mark Balch是在美国硅谷长期从事高性能计算机网络硬件设计并积极参与工业标准制定的资深工程师,有丰富的实际工作经验和对数字设计的深刻理解。作者在这些成功经验及对数字系统设计与实现深刻理解基础上所著的这本书能帮助读者理解和探索数字系统的整体结构、定义数字系统的全定制设计要求、研究模块和元件相互间的密切联系、评估现有的设计部件和技术并帮助解决具体的设计问题,其中包括以微处理器为基础的数字系统设计、支持数字系统的模拟电路原理以及如何用基本的设计元件和*的设计技术实现一个完整的数字系统。本书内容丰富、覆盖面广。正如书名本身表明的那样,这是一本名副其实内容完整的数字系统设计教科书,也是一本任何时候都应用方便的电子设计实用参考书。
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xix
PART 1 Digital Fundamentals
Chapter I Digital Logic
1.1 Boolean Logic / 3
1.2 Boolean Manipulation / 7
1.3 The Karnaugh map ! 8
1.4 Binary and Hexadecimal Numbering / I0
1.5 Binary Addition ! 14
1.6 Subtraction and Negative Numbers / 15
1.7 Multiplication and Division / 17
1.8 Flip-Flops and Latches / 18
1.9 Synchronous Logic / 21
1.10 Synchronous Timing Analysis / 23
1.11 ClockSkew / 25
1.12 Clock Jitter / 27
1.13 Derived Logical Building Blocks / 28
Chapter 2 Integrated Circuits and the 7400 Logic Families
2.1 The Integrated Circuit / 33
2.2 IC Packaging ! 38
2.3 The 7400-Series Discrete Logic Family / 41
2.4 Applying the 7400 Family to Logic Design / 43
2.5 Synchronous Logic Design with the 7400 Family / 45
2.6 Common Variants of the 7400 Family / 50
2.7 Interpreting a Digital IC Data Sheet / 51
Chapter 3 Basic Computer Architecture
3.1 The Digital Computer / 56
3.2 Microprocessor Internals / 58
3.3 Subroutines and the Stack ! 60
3.4 Reset and Interrupts / 62
3.5 Implementation of an Eight-Bit Computer / 63
3.6 Address Banking / 67
3.7 Direct Memory Access / 68
3.8 Extending the Microprocessor Bus / 70
3.9 Assembly Language and Addressing Modes / 72
Chapter 4 Memory
4.1 Memory Classifications / 77
4.2 EPROM / 79
4.3 Flash Memory i 81
4.4 EEPROM / 85
4.5 Asynchronous SRAM / 86
4.6 Asynchronous DRAM / 88
4.7 Multiport Memory / 92
4.8 The FIFO / 94
Chapter 5 Serial Communications
5.1 Serial vs. Parallel Communication / 98
5.2 The UART / 99
5.3 ASCII Data Representation / 102
5.4 RS-232 / 102
5.5 RS-422 / 107
5.6 Modems and Baud Rate / 108
5.7 Network Topologies / 109
5.8 Network Data Formats / 110
5.9 RS-485 / 112
5.10 A Simple RS-485 Network / 114
5.11 Interchip Serial Communications / 117
Chapter 6 Instructive Microprocessors and Microcomputer Elements
6.1 Evolution / 121
6.2 Motorola 6800 Eight-bit Microprocessor Family / 122
6.3 Intel 8051 Microcontroller Family / 125
6.4 Microchip PIC Microcontroller Family / 131
6.5 Intel 8086 16-Bit Microprocessor Family / 134
6.6 Motorola 68000 16/32-Bit Microprocessor Family / 139
PART 2 Advanced Digital Systems
Chapter 7 Advanced Microprocessor Concepts
7.1 RISC and CISC / 145
7.2 Cache Structures / 149
7.3 Caches in Practice / 154
7.4 Virtual Memory and the MMU / 158
7.5 Superpipelined and Superscalar Architectures / 161
7.6 Floating-Point Arithmetic / 165
7.7 Digital Signal Processors / 167
7.8 Performance Metrics / 169
Chapter 8 High-Performance Memory Technologies
8.1 Synchronous DRAM / 173
8.2 Double Data Rate SDRAM / 179
8.3 Synchronous SRAM / 182
8.4 DDR and QDR SRAM / 185
8.5 Content Addressable Memory / 188
Chapter 9 Networking
9.1 Protocol Layers One and Two / 193
9.2 Protocol Layers Three and Four / 194
9.3 Physical Media / 197
9.4 Channel Coding / 198
9.5 8B10B Coding ! 203
9.6 Error Detection / 207
9.7 Checksum / 208
9.8 Cyclic Redundancy Check / 209
9.9 Ethernet / 215
Chapter 10 Logic Design and Finite State Machines
10.1 Hardware Description Languages / 221
10.2 CPU Support Logic / 227
10.3 Clock Domain Crossing / 233
10.4 Finite State Machines / 237
10.5 FSM Bus Control / 239
10.6 FSM Optimization / 243
10.7 Pipelining / 245
Chapter 11 Programmable Logic Devices
11.1 Custom and Programmable Logic / 249
11.2 GALs and PALs / 252
11.3 CPLDs / 255
11.4 FPGAs / 257
PART 3 Analog Basics for Digital Systems
Chapter 12 Electrical Fundamentals
12.1 Basic Circuits / 267
12.2 Loop and Node Analysis / 268
12.3 Resistance Combination / 271
12.4 Capacitors / 272
12.5 Capacitors as AC Elements / 274
12.6 Inductors / 276
12.7 Nonideal RLC Models / 276
12.8 Frequency Domain Analysis / 279
12.9 Lowpass and Highpass Filters / 283
12.10 Transformers / 288
Chapter 13 Diodes and Transistors
13.1 Diodes / 293
13.2 Power Circuits with Diodes / 296
13.3 Diodes in Digital Applications / 298
13.4 Bipolar Junction Transistors / 300
13.5 Digital Amplification with the BJT / 301
13.6 Logic Functions with the BJT / 304
13.7 Field-Effect Transistors / 306
13.8 Power FETs and JFETs / 309
Chapter 14 Operational Amplifiers
14.1 The Ideal Op-amp / 311
14.2 Characteristics of Real Op-amps / 316
14.3 Bandwidth Limitations / 324
14.4 Input Resistance / 325
14.5 Summation Amplifier Circuits / 328
14.6 Active Filters / 331
14.7 Comparators and Hysteresis / 333
Chapter 15 Analog Interfaces for Digital Systems
15.1 Conversion between Analog and Digital Domains / 339
15.2 Sampling Rate and Atiasing / 341
15.3 ADC Circuits / 345
15.4 DAC Circuits / 348
15.5 Filters in Data Conversion Systems / 350
PART 4 Digital System Design in Practice
Chapter 16 Clock Distribution
16.1 Crystal Oscillators and Ceramic Resonators / 355
16.2 Low-Skew Clock Buffers / 357
16.3 Zero-Delay Buffers: The PLL / 360
16.4 Frequency Synthesis / 364
16.5 Delay-Locked Loops / 366
16.6 Source-Synchronous Clocking / 367
Chapter 17 Voltage Regulation and Power Distribution
17.1 Voltage Regulation Basics / 372
17.2 Thermal Analysis / 374
17.3 Zener Diodes and Shunt Regulators / 376
17.4 Transistors and Discrete Series Regulators / 379
17.5 Linear Regulators / 382
17.6 Switching Regulators / 386
17.7 Power Distribution / 389
17.8 Electrical Integrity / 392
Chapter 18 Signal Integrity
18.1 Transmission Lines / 398
18.2 Termination / 403
18.3 Crosstalk / 408
18.4 Electromagnetic Interference / 410
18.5 Grounding and Electromagnetic Compatibility / 413
18.6 Electrostatic Discharge / 415
Chapter 19 Designing for Success
19.1 Practical Technologies / 420
19.2 Printed Circuit Boards / 422
19.3 Manually Wired Circuits / 425
19.4 Microprocessor Reset / 428
19.5 Design for Debug / 429
19.6 Boundary Scan / 431
19.7 Diagnostic Software / 433
19.8 Schematic Capture and Spice / 436
19.9 Test Equipment / 440
Appendix A Further Education
Index 445
现代高性能通信和嵌入式系统的蓬勃发展对于电子工程师和大学生的数字电路硬件设计技术提出了新的挑战和要求。为了使所设计的数字系统能成功地工作,设计人员不仅需要具备系统原理方面的基础知识,而且也需要在具体实现数字设计的专门知识方面有一个全面的理解和指导。本书作者Mark Balch是在美国硅谷长期从事高性能计算机网络硬件设计并积极参与工业标准制定的资深工程师,有丰富的实际工作经验和对数字设计的深刻理解。作者在这些成功经验及对数字系统设计与实现深刻理解基础上所著的这本书能帮助读者理解和探索数字系统的整体结构、定义数字系统的全定制设计要求、研究模块和元件相互间的密切联系、评估现有的设计部件和技术并帮助解决具体的设计问题,其中包括以微处理器为基础的数字系统设计、支持数字系统的模拟电路原理以及如何用基本的设计元件和最新的设计技术实现一个完整的数字系统。本书内容丰富、覆盖面广。正如书名本身表明的那样,这是一本名副其实内容完整的数字系统设计教科书,也是一本任何时候都应用方便的电子设计实用参考书。
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