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Strategic markering managemnt(MBA系列:战略营销管理)书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:0071372229
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2004-01
  • 页数:275
  • 价格:249.90
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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A One-Volume, MBA-Level Course for Designing and Implementing a Customer-Focused, "Means-End" Marketing Program

Strategic Marketing Management outlines a customer-based marketing program designed to help you identify your most attractive target customers and position your product or service so that it matters to those customers. With common-sense explanations of how and why recommended methods work, along with current examples of techniques other companies have used to apply these methods successfully (and unsuccessfully), this book shows you how to determine:

What makes your company, product, or service special to current and potential customers

What position you should establish and nurture in order to create sustained competitive superiority

Strategies to strengthen and defend that position

Look to The McGraw-Hill Executive MBA Series for straight-talking, technique-filled books, written by front-line executive education professors and modeled after the programs of top business schools. Other titles in the series include:

Corporate Strategy

Finance & Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers

Managerial Leadership

Mergers & Acquisitions

Sales Management

Targeting and positioning. The interdependence of these two fundamentals lies at the heart of every successful marketing initiative. Strategic Marketing Management looks into the marketing programs of today's most consistently successful marketers­­from Procter & Gamble to­­to reveal how they treat targeting and positioning as interdependent efforts, vitally linked at every level.

Strategic marketing authority and educator Mark Parry shows you how to identify your most important customers, then position yourself successfully in relation to your closest competitors. Built around the precepts of the proactive Means-End Theory, and developed from materials created for executive education courses at the Darden School, Strategic Marketing Management provides you with the information and strategies you need to:

Create a benefit framework that encompasses functional, experiential, financial, and psychosocial benefits

Present evidence and support to make promised benefits both credible and valuable

Separate intrinsic from extrinsic attributes, and correctly capitalize on each

Use customer decision maps to "ladder" from concrete product attributes to benefits to personal values

Create and employ creative strategies that speak only to those values considered most essential

Foster and nurture appropriate brand meanings that retain value in the marketplace­­and over time

Overcome unintended and undesirable product associations in the minds of your customers

Strategic Marketing Management goes straight to the heart of marketing, providing a logical approach for targeting and positioning products that is easy to implement and proven successful in today's marketplace. A concise, focused guide written for executives and executives-in-training, it describes today's top tools for assessing market trends, making essential decisions to capitalize on those trends, and executing those decisions with authority and confidence.

弗吉尼亚州达顿商学院EMBA教案 为什么说到可乐,很多人就开始哼唱“always coca-cola”?为什么说到洗发水,人们就会想起“去头屑的海飞丝”、“柔顺头发的飘柔”? 答案很简单,他们运用了“品牌定位”的营销理论。世界上的品牌如恒河沙数,但真正能在消费者心智中占一席之地的却寥寥无几。事情常常可能是这样:次级的产品可能因为出色的营销战略,充分发挥出优势,创造出广阔的市场、深入人心的知名度;反之,*的产品,却因为营销战略不当而错失市场良机。 本书讲授了一整套营销理论,作者直指营销核心,针对“设定目标市场”和“品牌定位”两大要素,介绍各种营销方法与技巧:为产品做出准确的定位,创造出超越竞争者的特色。进行行之有效的价格与非价格的营销活动。避免短视的战术决策,建立长期的竞争优势。分析市场领先者的经验,引导正确的战略思考方向。培养具有长期价值的品牌内涵,与时俱进地进行品牌管理。书中巧妙地运用了大量实战案例,清晰详尽地阐述了营销管理理论与规划的精髓,使你更有效地掌握目标市场,发挥*的产品效益。


Mark E.Parry has served as course head of the MBA first-year marketing course and the second-year marketing strategy elective at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business.Dr.Parry has designed several Darden executive education programs ,including "fundamentals of Pricing Strategy,""Launching New Produts,"and "Building and Managing Brand Leadership."He has also served as faculty leader of the "Strategic Marketing Management"executive program,and has taught in many other executive education programs.In addition,he has designed executive educ-ation programs for Coca-Cola,Allied Signal,Ingersoll-Rand,Milliken & Company,and

Lexis Law Publishing,amongothers.


Preface and Acknow ledgments

Chapter 1 Means-End Theory and Strategic Marketing

Chapter 2 Identifying and Analyzing Customer Benefits

Chapter 3 Making Benefits Credible

Chapter 4 Kinds of Attributes

Chapter 5 Personal Values

Chapter 6 Customer Decision Maps

Chapter 7 The Evolution of Brand Meaning

Chapter 8 Priortizing Means-End Elements

Chapter 9 Evaluating a Customer Decision Map:A Case Study

Chapter 10 External Influencers and Undesirable Product Associations:A Case Study

Suggested Readings













"Mark Parry has written a book on developing strategy from the perspective of means-end theory, using techniques that have demonstrated ability to create superior results. It is combat tested, proven in the trenches of marketing campaigns around the world."

——­­John A. Norton, Vice president, The Connaught Group, Ltd.


~Strategic Marketing Management provides a logical approach for developing and positioning corporate and product brands, and skillfully managing those brand positions over time. Case studies and examp


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